
Through sports, Tyreek learned how wellness fuels success. Tyreek and the foundation help others reach their wellness goals via a variety of community programs.


Making sure children have food in their bellies and a safe place to call home are two crucial wellness milestones Tyreek and the foundation make an impact on. For Thanksgiving, we host a Turkey Drive, where we give away turkeys to those who need them. We are also dedicated to helping families who are facing homelessness.  

Mental Health 

Wellness is a lifelong journey of pursuing good health, and mental health is an important part of that. Tyreek and the foundation are working to encourage conversations about mental health and help end the stigma around it. Tyreek is taking time to visit kids in the hospital and meet with them via zoom to help brighten their day as we know that hospital stays can have an impact on an individual's mental health.


Tyreek and the foundation are dedicated to teaching football fundamentals at an affordable cost. We host several free youth football camps during the NFL offseason and work to award financial aid so more kids can attend traditional football camps, which typically have fees.